Lip Sync Battle!Marquee
Lip Sync Performer

Button & Zipper and DENY BOREDOM are excited to present a Lip Sync Battle at Marquis Theatre on Thursday, February 8th.

Come join us for a fun-filled evening that benefits the homeless in Denver. 100% of the proceeds will be used to purchase brand new coats for at-risk youth. If you bring a coat, DENY BOREDOM will purchase your first drink!

Your participation will help us spread the word of our efforts and raise awareness for the homeless in Denver – especially the children who will be happy to receive warm coats during the coldest months of the season.


  • $20
    GA Pre-purchase
    • includes event entry
    • support charity!
  • $25
    • 1 free drink included
    • only 12 slots available
  • $25
    GA Door Price
    • includes event entry
    • use links below as a reminder!

The Rules

All Button & Zipper Lip Sync contestants will have the opportunity perform at least one song of their choice for one minute. After the first round, the crowd will choose their favorite 6 contestants to continue on into the second round. After the second round, the crowd will choose the ultimate Lip Sync Battle Winner.

The winner will be determined by the crowd and will receive a $200 gift card! Make sure to bring plenty of fans and remember to be creative. 2nd place get’s $50, and 3rd gets $25.

If you cannot attend, you can still donate to our efforts.

Thank you in advance for supporting Button & Zipper. Please help us spread the word. Share this message with your friends, family members, colleagues, and anyone else you can think of.


After the competition, we’ll party for a purpose with Silent Disco. That’s 3 channels and 3 DJ’s to choose from. It’s pretty rad!

presented by
Button & Zipper LogoDENY BOREDOM LogoDownbeat Silent Disco Logo